Containerized PROD

Deploy Automail using serverless for PROD and UAT usage.

The following steps will install Automail in a Docker environment running on Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) with Gunicorn as the web application server, nginx as the reverse proxy, and a MySQL database hosted in RDS. The workflows are managed by Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA), with a dedicated control interface.

The installation will set up a CI/CD pipeline connected to the master branch of the instance's GitHub fork. This means every push to the main branch will deploy the change automatically.

The default top-level domain for containerized deployments is, and all instances will automatically have a wildcard SSL certificate enrolled.


The high-level infrastructure is represented in the following diagram:


It is important to keep the stack names aligned with the forked repo name.

E.g. if the forked repo name is "automail-lv-cookie", then the AWS service name (i.e. service_name below) must also be exactly "automail-lv-cookie".

  1. Create a new file deployment\container\terraform\settings.tfvars. The file should define the following variables, which will be used for the deployment:

    account_id = the AWS account ID
    region = the AWS region of the instance (e.g. "us-east-1")
    service_name = the name of the instance in lower case and without numbers of underscores (e.g. "automail-lv-cookie")
    stage = the instance stage (e.g. "prod")
    repository_id = the ID of the forked Automail repository for the instance (e.g. "Lineverge/automail-lv-cookie")
    connection_arn = the ARN to the GitHub connection
    custom_domain = the target domain to be set up in route 53 (e.g. "")
    secret_key = the Automail session secret value used as a salt for hashing user sessions (can be an arbitrary value)
    sendgrid_apikey = the API key for using Sendgrid to send emails
    autoform_token = the Autoform API access token
    serial_number = the serial number of the instance
    company_name = the instance customer company name
    application_name = the instance label (e.g. "Automail Cookie")
    application_name_short = the instance short label (e.g. "Cookie")
    database_password = the RDS database password
  2. Deploy Automail by navigating to deployment\container\terraform folder and running: terraform init terraform apply -var-file="settings.tfvars" This will take around 30 minutes to complete.

Congrats! Your Automail instance is deployed with a dedicated deployment pipeline🎉

For any updates, simply commit your changes and push to the main GitHub branch. This will trigger the pipeline, which can take 8 minutes to complete and be visible within the application.


Workflows are set up as Airflow DAGs that run on MWAA. The schedule of each task must be defined in the project-specific project/[workflow].py file, which has the following syntax:

The workflow executable Python files (e.g. above) must be stored within the project folder and follow the proper DAG syntax (using the Automail wrapper).

Below is an example of a DAG, which will run on a 10 minutes' interval:

from configurations.workflow_env import *

def test_queryset():
    print("!!!!", custom_models.ReportCategory.objects.all())

dag = schedule_airflow_tasks(
            "python_callable": test_queryset,
            "op_kwargs": {},


To delete the environment, run the following command:

terraform destroy -var-file="settings.tfvars"

Careful! This will completely destroy the environment including all database data. Make sure to make a backup first for all data that needs to be kept.


Container Level

For any issues related to the containers, consult the logs in ECS.

Application Level

Application logs are accessible in CloudWatch. Use the log function for that purpose in the Python files.


from utilities.api_utils_aws import log
log("Workflow is working!!!", log_stream_name="airflow")

Last updated