
Below is an example configuration of a panel using the Amcharts module:

    "title": "Supplier Screening Status",
    "width": 12,
    "height": 500,
    "full_row": True,
    "type": "StackedColumnPercentageSeriesVertical",
    "url_name": "frame_amcharts",
    "url_action_name": "chart_supplierscreening",
    "name": "chart_supplierscreening",
    "content": {
        "view": custom_views.AmchartsAPIStackedColumnPercentageSeriesChartTier,
        "view_params": {
            "model": custom_models.SupplierScreening,
            "decimal_rounding": 0,
            "group_by": [
            "order_by": "tier",
            "amcharts_categoryX": "tier",
            "amcharts_valueY": "casestatus__name",
            "aggregations": [
                    "function": "Count",
                    "value": "id",

The view_params are:

  • model: the model this table is based on

  • decimal_rounding controls the precision of numerical data display.

  • group_by and order_by determine how the data is organized.

  • amcharts_categoryX and amcharts_valueY map data fields to chart axes.

  • aggregations specify how to summarize the data (e.g., counting records).

Last updated