Control the admin UI.
Last updated
Control the admin UI.
Last updated
The admin page is accessible via [site domain]/admin, or by clicking the admin item in the top right menu of the site.
Users are saved in the database. This means a user created in PROD will not automatically exist in DEV and vice versa.
New users can be managed and created in the Users section.
To add a new user, click the + Add button, then input a user name using the prefix of the user’s email address (e.g. => john_wayne), and password Temp12345.
Click on Save and continue editing, add the Personal Info including email...
... and assign the user to the right permissions group and click SAVE. Florian GamperTODO INTO 1 STEP WITHOUT MANUAL PASSWORD INPUT
The password manually added when creating a new user will be overwritten with a randomly generated password when Automail sends the onboarding email to the users. This is only the case if the user has an email address defined in the Personal Info section.
Automail sends emails to the users through a backend process that needs to be scheduled and uses the below generic function that references the constants EMAIL_USERNAME, EMAIL_USERNAME_SEND, EMAIL_SIGNATURE, PROXIES, SUPPORT_EMAIL_ADDRESS, COMPANY_NAME, APPLICATION_NAME_SHORT, ALLOWED_HOSTS, and DEBUG
Click the User onboarding emails link.
Then select the target user(s) and click Reset password(s), then GO.
Automail will generate a new random password and send it to the user's registered email address.
To make a user inactive, find the user under Users and uncheck the Active checkbox.
The idea of groups is to be used in allowed_user_groups ists in
Groups are defined in the Groups section.
Once a group is defined, it can be assigned to a user in the User section by selecting a user.